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Union Budget 2023 must increase PPF limit to Rs 3 lakh, reduce taxes on start-ups | Article of Anushkaa Arora in TOI.

Anushkaa Arora, principal & founder, ABA Law Office writes to The Times Of India and says that "Simple Is Better”-Ahead of the new calendar year 2023 and a steady year after Covid 19 coming to an end, all eyes are on the upcoming union budget. Two divergent opinions can be seen among the experts with respect to the budget projections. While one thinks there is nothing much to be expected owing to the current recession and inflationary markets other than usual uniform measures, the other group has a positive approach with some contemplations on specific tax reliefs.
While we concur with the expert opinions of the former however in this article, efforts have been made to enlist out the specific projections and expectations of budget 2023 in a few tax segments.

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