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Why Sebi recommended ban on celebrity endorsements of crypto investments | Views of Anushkaa Arora in The Times Of India.

"Freedom to trade or business including advertisements (except illegal) forms an integral part of Article 19 of the Constitution. In addition to it Every individual has the right to know and get information . 'Caveat Emptor' is the main principle of consumer law and aptly applies to stock markets that are exposed to frequent risks. Generally the investors that enter into the crypto currencies market are expected to have basic knowledge and research. Mere endorsement by celebrities doesn't lure people into such a risky market. Also the disclaimers policies and terms & conditions are at aid.
Hence, a ban against celebrity endorsement of crypto currency is not required. Non -regulation of the market can't be a sound reason as legislative lacunae can't be weighted against fundamental rights," said Anushkaa Arora, Principal & Founder, ABA Law Office.

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