

My Vision And Mission To The World Post Covid (Anushkaa Arora)

My Vision And Mission To The World Post Covid ‘IT’S OKAY TO FEEL UNSTABLE,

During the wrecked covid times of 2019 and continuing till date, the world has undergone problems in all facets and dimensions.

Various problems revolved around unemployment, stagnation of businesses, poverty and atrocities against women and the weaker sections of the society.

The world at that hour was proceeding towards the next near end. But, as some one said it rightly “ Endings are the beginnings” , Covid at one hand showed us how helpless we are and at the same time it opened ways to identify and tackle with the new problems.

Having said so I firmly believe that all the problems as mentioned above and those problems not enlisted, cause mankind trauma, only due to a fragile and weak mind.

It is believed in Indian mythology and ancient verses that if the mind is strong, man can overcome any obstacles placed before him.

Sage Patanjali states in his yoga sutra - ‘Yoga chitta vritti nirodha’ meaning, by practice of yoga, the fluctuations of the mind are restrained, as the consiousness is calmed as the mind is strengthened and the movements in it are quietened.

My vision post covid is one and only- that, mankind must learn to take care of it’s mental health and that the world shall be open minded enough to talk about the same and cure people suffering from a bad mental health. Once the mind is cured of its diseases, all the afflictions and problems surrounding man would disappear.

I am not saying that if one’s job was unlawfully terminated his problem of unemployment would disappear, however if posessed with strong mental health this person will be unaffected with this problem. Eventually this person would find creative and optimistic ways to tackle this issue of unemployment. Illustration 2:

Let’s take another example of an adversity during the pandemic. A married woman who is being looked down upon by her In -Laws and is being physically abused by her husband, would continue to suffer becuase she lacks the ability to be strong, confront or tackle the situation wisely. On the contrary, if this woman possess a strong mind, she would access the situation wisely, maybe reach out to the police, or may abnadon the house and stay with a familiar. However, this would be possible only when the woman is mentally healthy. Else she shall succumb into the wrath and torture by the Inlaws/husband and would feel alone, depressed and helpless.

Covid outbreak and lockdowns have not only affected people’s jobs or business going down or society becoming physically abusive , but has also induced traumatic insecurities and depression in people’s minds. It has played very strange with our mindsets and as a result even the strong minded people have become fearful and unsocial due to Covid fear.

So now the question is how to forego these fears, overcome the Covidism and problems! And that is what my mission would be i.e., to spread awareness by using various platforms such as NGOs, tie-ups, webinars, seminars etc. We shall collectively start motivating our surrounding, younger genereations or maybe the older genereations as well, to speak if they face depression, feel lolny, helpless, scared, insure which are all symptoms of an unhealhty state of mind. We should dtrive to at least start promoting the same at gradd root levels by talking to the down trodden working around my house and community regarding any kind of physical atrocity, if they are facing, should be able to solve family issues OR by having

“group-talks” get togethers, where people will simply sit and speak out their Covidfears and insecurities. This will enable them to identify and help erase the fears to a great extent.

So, in a nutshell, its all in our minds. We swim or sink, we smile or cry, we fight,flight or faint! Its about strengthening our Neural system and taming the wayward Endocrine system.